Mathew Hearsum partner at Morrisons law investigated by Solicitors Regulatory Authority finding on a complaint about
Following my complaint about Mathew Hearsum's (partner) conduct in the Mohammed v Takhar Case to the law society, Mr Sandhar has found the following:
"the firms service to you and your representative firm needs to be addressed. This has also been mentioned by the costs Judge, and I will provide the firm with guidance that they need to take this into consideration, to improve communication and be more proactive with cases going forward. Had the communication been of a higher level from the outset, the matter could have been resolved at a much earlier stage.
I am confident that once guidance has been provided to the firm, it will take the necessary steps to rectify deficiencies in its procedures and do not consider it would be proportionate, at this time, to take any formal regulatory action against the firm or individuals in the firm, when it can be resolved with guidance" and
"Although I do not propose we take any formal action at this time, it can be used, with reports from other sources, to identify trends and patterns of behavior. This may result in follow-up action in the future, so please be assured it will be kept on record"
do you have concerns about this law firm if so contact the solicitor's regulatory authority at the email these standards not acceptable?
Register your complaint ASAP.